These materials are obtain through gathering from rock faces, wooden boxes, flowers, trees, stones etc. These gathering spots are easily to identify by the sparkling lights around them.
GR9 Gathered materials
- 銀鉱石 Silver
- 鋼石 Steel
- 金鉱石 Gold
- 砂鉄 Iron Sand
- 黒鉄鉱石 Black Iron
- 黒曜石 Obsidian
- 水晶石 Crystal
- 紫水晶 Amethyst
- 黒水晶 Cairngorm
- 魔光石 Shining Magic Stone
- 甲虫の化石 Beetle Fossil
- 燃料石 Fossil Fuel
- 古代魚の化石 Ancient Fish Fossil
- 琥珀 Amber
- 魔獣の化石 Magic Beast Fossil
Raw Wood
- 杉の原木 Cedar
- ココヤシの原木 Coconut Palm
- ガルーダの原木 Garuda
- 癒しの香木 Healing Wood
- 白樫の原木 White Oak
- 杉の枝木 Cedar Branch
- 小さな苗木 Small Young Plant
- 立派な苗木 Excellent Young Plant
- ガルーダの枝木 Garuda Branch
- 白樫の枝木 White Oak Branch
Wild Herbs
- サボテンの花 Cactus
- トリカブト Aconite
- ベラドンナ Belladonna
- 紫根の花 Violet Flower
- ラフレシア Rafflesia
- ヒメタマムシ Seven colour Insect
- 九香虫 Nine Incense Insects
- 甘露虫 Nectar Insect
- 七色蝶 Seven Colour Butterfly
- 夜光虫 Noctiluca
- ノロイタケ Curse Mushroom
- ネムリキノコ Sleep Mushroom
- シビレタケ Sacred Mushroom
- バフキノコ Buff Mushroom
- 霊芝 Spirit Grass
Cottom Wool
- 木綿の綿毛 Cotton Wool
- 黄金色の綿毛 Gold Cotton Wool
- 真白の綿胞子 Pure White Cotton Spore
This completes the list of GR9 Gathered Materials. Thank you for your support.
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