Here is a list of the Large monsters that appear in the game including their item drops, weakness and area you can find them. Thanks to the Japanese Gaming Community at WKC Wiki for this information.
Ill break the list down via these monster types;
- Giants
- Huge Animlas
- Dolls
- Dragons
- Giant Spiders
- Trents
- Griever
- Composition Beast
Note: List will be updated when more information comes available.
TBA = To be announced (no information available yet)
TBC = To be confirmed (need to confirm findings)
--- Giants ---
Name: トロル Troll
- Head: Slash, Pierce, Impact, Wind
- Stomach: Slash, Pierce, Impact, Wind
- Foot: Pierce, Wind
Tolerance: Earth
Item Drop
- 刃金の珠玉【九級】 Blade Gem (9th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【九級】 Protection Gem (9th Grade)
- 巨人の骨 Giant Bone
- 巨人の肉 Giant Meat
- 丈夫な鎖 Strong Chain
- 割れた仮面 Broken Mask
- トロルの羽飾り Troll Plume
Item Drop (GR7+) - トロルの鎧片 Troll Armor piece
- トロルのかぎ爪 Troll Nail
- トロルの仮面 Troll Mask
- 巨人の棍棒 Giant Club
Area: Cradle Plains, Nordia Mine, Blaster Plain
Name: トロルキング Troll King
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Earth
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Earth
- Foot: Pierce, Earth
Tolerance: Wind
Item Drop
- 巨人の血 Giant Blood
- 古代白銀貨 Ancient White Silver coin
- ひびわれた鎧片 Cracked Armor piece
- トロルキングの腕輪 Troll King Bracelet
- 刃金の珠玉【七級】 Blade Gem (7th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【七級】 Protection Gem (7th Grade)
Item Drop (GR7+) - トロルキングのかぎ爪 Troll King Nail
Area: Insect Valley
Name: サイクロプス Cyclops
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Ice
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Ice
- Foot: Pierce, Ice
Tolerance: Fire
Item Drop
- 炎巨人の足輪 Flame Giant Leg Ring
- 炎巨人の仮面 Flame Giant Mask
- 巨獣の汚れた革 Dirty Huge Animal Leather
- 巨人のしゃれこうべ Giant Skull
- 刃金の珠玉【八級】 Blade Gem (8th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【九級】 Protection Gem (9th Grade)
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Ragnish Desert
Name: アイスジャイアント Ice Giant
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire
- Foot: Pierce, Fire
Tolerance: Ice
Item Drop
- 氷巨人の足輪 Ice Giant Leg Ring
- 氷巨人の仮面 Ice Giant Mask
- 白獣の汚れた革 Dirty White Beast Leather
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Fran Dahl Mountains, Van Haven Wasteland
--- Huge Animal ---
Name: メガロティグリス Megaro Tigris
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Earth
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Earth
- Foot: Slash, Earth
- Back: Earth
Tolerance: Wind
Item Drop
- 土巨獣のたてがみ Huge Earth Animal Main
- 巨獣の肉 Huge Animal Meat
- 守護の珠玉【九級】 Protection Gem (9th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【八級】 Protection Gem (8th Grade)
- 刃金の珠玉【八級】 Blade Gem (8th Grade)
- ざらざらした毛皮 Rough Fur
- 召雷石の欠片 Heaven Thunder Stone Fragment
Item Drop (GR7+) - 召雷石 Heaven Thunder Stone
- 土巨獣の爪 Huge Animal Nail
- 土巨獣の毛皮 Huge Animal Fur
- 土巨獣の牙 Huge Animal Fang
Area: Ragnish Desert
Name: ケルベロス Cerberus
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Ice
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Ice
- Foot: Slash, Ice
- Back: Slash, Ice
Tolerance: Fire
Item Drop
- 巨獣の毛皮 Huge Animal Fur
- 赤炎石の欠片 Fire stone fragment
- 刃金の珠玉【六級】 Blade Gem (6th Grade)
- 巨獣の骨 Huge Animal Bone
- つやつやした毛皮 Glossy Fur
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Van Haven Wastelands
--- Doll ---
Name: ゴーレム Golem
Weakness: Impact, Wind
Tolerance: Earth
Item Drop
- 人形の核 Doll Nucleus
- 土人形の欠片 Clay Idol Fragment
- 守護の珠玉【八級】 Protection Gem (8th Grade)
- 呪いの名札 Spell Card
- 守護の珠玉【九級】 Protection Gem (9th Grade)
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Ragnish Desert, Greed Basement
Name: ロックガーディアン Rock Guardian
Weakness: Impact, Ice
Tolerance: Earth
Item Drop
- 岩人形の欠片 Rock Doll Fragment
- 人形の核 Doll Nucleus
- 刃金の珠玉【七級】 Blade Gem (7th Grade)
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Greed Basement
Name: 黒機兵 Black Machine Soldier
Weakness: Impact
Tolerance: N/a
Item Drop
- 黒機兵の破片 Black Machine Piece
- 黒機兵の欠けた面 Black Machine Mask
- 黒い鉄塊 Lump of Black Iron
- 人形の核 Doll Nucleus
- 魔晶石の欠片 Magic crystal Fragment
- 魔晶石の塊 Lump of Magic crystal
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Buncarlo Road, Dogma Hall, Collapsed Shrine
Name: 太古の守護者 Ancient Guardian
Weakness: Impact
Tolerance: Wind, Fire, Ice, Earth
Item Drop
- 金人形の欠けた面 Gold Doll Mask
- 刃金の珠玉【六級】 Blade Gem (6th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【六級】 Protection Gem (6th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【五級】 Protection Gem (5th Grade)
- 魔晶石の欠片 Magic Crystal Fragment
- 魔晶石の塊 Lump of Magic Crystal
- 金人形の欠片 Gold Doll Fragment
- 人形の金塊 Lump of Doll Gold
Item Drop (GR7+) - 光る金の塊 Shining Bullion
Area: Dogma Hall, Collapsed Shrine
Name: アイアンゴーレム Iron Golem
Weakness: Impact, Fire
Tolerance: Earth
Item Drop
- 鉄人形の欠片 Iron Soldier fragment
- 魔晶石 Magic Crystal
- 魔晶石の欠片 Magic Crystal fragment
- 刃金の珠玉【六級】 Blade Gem (6th Grade)
- 刃金の珠玉【五級】 Blade Gem (5th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【六級】 Protection Gem (6th Grade)
- 人形の鉄塊 Lump of Doll iron
- 鉄人形の欠けた面 Broken Iron Soldier Mask
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Dogma Hall, Collapsed Shrine
--- Dragon ---
Name: ファイヤードラゴン Fire Dragon
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Ice
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Ice
- Foot: Ice
- Tail: Slash, Ice
- Back: Ice
Tolerance: Fire
Item Drop
- 火竜の爪 Fire Dragon Nail
- 火竜の鱗片 Fire Dragon Scale
- 竜の牙 Fire Dragon Fang
- 火竜のひげ Fire Dragon Mustache
- 竜の卵 Dragon Egg
- 竜の骨 Dragon Bone
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Buncarlo Road
Name: アイスドラゴン Ice Dragon
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire
- Foot: Fire
- Tail: Slash, Fire
- Back: Fire
Tolerance: Ice
Item Drop
- 氷竜の爪 Ice Dragon Nail
- 竜の骨 Dragon Bone
- 氷竜の鱗片 Ice Dragon Scale
- 氷竜のひげ Ice Dragon Mustache
- 竜の堅い卵 Hard Dragon Egg
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Van Haven Wastelands
Name: ウインドドラゴン Wind Dragon
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Earth
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Earth
- Foot: Earth
- Tail: Slash, Earth
- Back: Earth
Tolerance: Wind
Item Drop
- 竜の堅い卵 Hard Dragon Egg
- 風竜の鱗片 Wind Dragon Scale
- 竜の牙 Wind Dragon Fang
- 風竜の爪 Wind Dragon Nail
- 風竜のひげ Wind Dragon Mustache
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Fran Dahl Mountains, Van Haven Wasteland
Name: アースドラゴン Ground Dragon
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Wind
- Stomach: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Wind
- Foot: Wind
- Tail: Slash, Wind
- Back: Wind
Tolerance: Earth
Item Drop
- 竜の牙 Dragon Fang
- 竜の骨 Dragon Bone
- 竜の卵 Dragon Egg
- 土竜の爪 Earth Dragon Nail
- 土竜のひげ Earth Dragon Mustache
- 土竜の鱗片 Earth Dragon Scale
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBC
Area: Fran Dahl Mountain, Buncarlo Road
Name: エンシャントドラゴン Ancient Dragon
- Head: TBA
- Stomach: TBA
- Foot: TBA
- Tail: TBA
- Back: TBA
Tolerance: Wind, Earth, Fire, Ice
Item Drop
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBA
Area: Fran Dahl Mountain
--- Large Spider ---
Name: 大蜘蛛 Large Spider
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Wind
- Stomach: Pierce, Wind
- Foot: Slash, Wind
- Back: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Wind
Tolerance: Earth
Item Drop
- 大土蜘蛛の顎 Large Spider Chin
- 大土蜘蛛の卵殻 Large Spider Egg Shell
- 大蜘蛛の爪 Large Spider Nail
- 大蜘蛛の糸 Large Spider Thread
Item Drop (GR7+) - 大土蜘蛛のかぎ爪 Large Spider Hook Nail
- 大土蜘蛛の甲殻 Large Spider Crust
- 大土蜘蛛の卵 Large Spider Egg
Area: Greed Basement
Name: 大水蜘蛛 Large Water Spider
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire
- Stomach: Pierce, Fire
- Foot: Slash, Fire
- Back: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire
Tolerance: Ice
Item Drop
- 大水蜘蛛の卵殻 Large Water Spider Eggshell
- 大蜘蛛の爪 Large Spider Nail
- 大きな氷玉 Large Ice Ball
Item Drop (GR7+) - 大土蜘蛛の卵 Large Spider Egg
Area: Insect Valley
--- Trent ---
Name: トレント Trent
Weakness: Impact, Fire
Tolerance: Wind
Item Drop
- トレントの枝 Trent Branch
- トレントの宿り木 Trent Mistletoe
- トレントの人面樹 Trent Mask
- 守護の珠玉【七級】 Protection Gem (7th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【八級】 Protection Gem (8th Grade)
- 刃金の珠玉【八級】 Blade Gem (8th Grade)
Item Drop (GR7+) - ミストの結晶 Mist Crystal
- 朝霧の雫 Dew Drop
- ねっとりした樹液 Sticky Sap
Area: Cradle Plains, Insect Valley
--- Griever ---
Name: リトルグリーバー Little Griever
- Head: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Wind
- Trunk: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Wind
- Foot: Wind
- Tail: Wind
- Head: Earth
- Trunk: Earth
- Foot: Earth
- Tail: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Earth
Item Drop
- 土印の小輝石 Small Earth Augite
- 刃金の珠玉【七級】 Blade Gem (7th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【七級】 Protection Gem (7th Grade)
- 谷虫の棘 Valley Insect Splinter
- 緑色の体液 Green body fluid
- 煙袋 Smoke Bag
- ごつごつした毛皮 Rugged Fur
- 巨蟲の薬肝 Giant Insect Liver Item Drop (GR7+) - 虫の胆石 Insect Gallstone
Area: Insect Valley
Name: ポイズングリーバー Poison Griever
- Head: TBA
- Trunk: TBA
- Foot: TBA
- Tail: TBA
Tolerance: TBA
Item Drop
Item Drop (GR7+) - TBA
--- Composition Beast ---
Name: グレアデイモス Clare Deimos
- Head: Impact, Ice
- Gun: Ice
- Foot: Ice
- Head: Fire
- Gun: Slash, Impact, Pierce, Fire
- Foot: Fire
Item Drop
- 古びた甲殻 Old Shell
- 合成獣の骨 Composition Beast's Bone
- 古びた欠片 Old Fragment
Item Drop (GR 7+): TBA
Area: バンヘイブン荒野 Van Haven Wastelands
List will be updated as more information becomes available.
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