
White Knight Chronicles - Consumable Item List

White Knight Chronicles - Consumable Item List

A list of consumable items (healing potions, Mana potions, etc) and the materials required to make them.


Consumable Material List

Name: 物見の眼鏡 Scout Glasses
Price: 40g
Effect: Find out the targets weakness
Shop: Balondor Kingdom
Composition Rank: n/a
Material 1: n/a
Material 2: n/a

Name: ヒールポーションI Heal Potion 1
Price: 50g
Effect: Restore 50 HP
Shop: Balondor Kingdom
Composition Rank: 1
Material 1: お化けクルミの殻 Ghost Walnut Shell
Material 2: 小さな白い花 Small White Flower

Name: ヒールポーションII Heal Potion 2
Price: 250g
Effect: Restore 100 HP
Shop: Ba'Kia
Composition Rank: 2
Material 1: ヒールポーションI Heal Potion 1
Material 2: トカゲイチゴ Lizard Strawberry

Name: ヒールポーションIII Heal Potion 3
Price: n/a
Effect: Restores 200 HP
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 4
Material 1: ヒールポーションII Heal Potion 2
Material 2: 紅花 safflower

Name: 女神のしずくI Goddess Drop 1
Price: n/a
Effect: Restore 60 HP to all allies in range
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 3
Material 1: 消化液 Digestive Juice
Material 2: コガネムシ Beetle

Name: 女神のしずくII Goddess Drop 2
Price: n/a
Effect: Restore 120 HP to all allies in range
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 4
Material 1: ねっとりした樹液 Sticky Sap
Material 2: 九香虫 Nine Incense Insects

Name: ヒールドロップI Heal Drop 1
Price: n/a
Effect: Candy with Nourishment Effect. Heals 1 HP over time
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 3
Material 1: ヒールポーションI Heal Potion 1
Material 2: テングダケ Tengu Mushroom

Name: ヒールドロップII Heal Drop 2
Price: n/a
Effect: Candy with Nourishment Effect. Heals 3 HP over time
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 4
Material 1: ヒールポーションII Heal Potion 2
Material 2: ネムリキノコ Sleep Mushroom

Name: ヒールドロップIII Heal Drop 3
Price: n/a
Effect: Candy with Nourishment Effect. Heals 5 HP over time
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 6
Material 1: ヒールポーションIII Heal Potion 3
Material 2: ノロイタケ Curse Mushroom

Name: マナポーションI Mana Potion 1
Price: 200g
Effect: Restore 25 MP
Shop: Ragnish Desert Town
Composition Rank: 2
Material 1: 魔晶石の欠片 Magic Crystal Fragment
Material 2: 獣の血 Beast Blood

Name: マナポーションII Mana Potion 2
Price: n/a
Effect: Restore 50 MP
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 3
Material 1: 魔晶石 magic Crystal
Material 2: 巨人の血 Giant Blood

Name: マナポーションIII Mana Potion 3
Price: n/a
Effect: Restores 75 MP
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 5
Material 1: 魔晶石の塊 Lump of Magic Crystal
Material 2: 巨獣の血 Huge Animal Blood

Name: エリクサー Elixir
Price: n/a
Effect: Restore all HP and MP
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 10
Material 1: 巨蟲の薬肝 Large Insect Liver
Material 2: 冬虫夏草 Mushroom

Name: 復活の薬 Revival Medicine
Price: 140g
Effect: Restore a fallen ally to life (low HP)
Shop: Balondor Kingdom
Composition Rank: 10
Material 1: ミストの結晶 Mist Crystal
Material 2: 紫根の花 Violet Flower

Name: 復活の霊薬 Miracle Revival Medicine
Price: n/a
Effect: Restore a fallen ally to life (medium HP)
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 11
Material 1: 朝霧の雫 Fog Drop
Material 2: 月の花 Moon Flower

Name: 復活の神薬 God Revival Medicine
Price: n/a
Effect: Restore a fallen ally to life (high HP)
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 12
Material 1: ミストの大結晶 Large Mist Crystal
Material 2: 太陽の花 Sunflower

Name: 生命の石 Life Stone
Price: n/a
Effect: TBC
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 11
Material 1: 竜の堅い卵 Hard Dragon Egg
Material 2: 妖魔の化石 Strange Magic Fossil

Name: 毒消し草 Antidote Grass
Price: 50g
Effect: Removes Poison
Shop: Balondor Kingdom
Composition Rank: n/a
Material 1: n/a
Material 2: n/a

Name: シビレアの根 Cibelea Root
Price: 70g
Effect: Removes Paralysis
Shop: Balondor Kingdom
Composition Rank: n/a
Material 1: n/a
Material 2: n/a

Name: 目覚めのハーブ Waking Herb
Price: 70g
Effect: Removes Sleep
Shop: Balondor Kingdom
Composition Rank: n/a
Material 1: n/a
Material 2: n/a

Name: 破魔の鈴 Destroy Magic Bell
Price: 100g
Effect: Removes Silence
Shop: Balondor Kingdom
Composition Rank: n/a
Material 1: n/a
Material 2: n/a

Name: 気つけ薬 Restorative
Price: n/a
Effect: TBC
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: TBC
Material 1: TBC
Material 2: TBC

Name: チャージドリンクI Charge Health Drink 1
Price: n/a
Effect: Restores 1 HP over time
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 3
Material 1: 黄色い花粉 Yellow Pollen
Material 2: サボテン花 Cactus Flower

Name: チャージドリンクII Charge Health Drink 2
Price: n/a
Effect: Restores 3 HP over time
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 6
Material 1: ハチミツ Honey
Material 2: パフキノコ Puff Mushroom

Name: チャージドリンクIII Charge Health Drink 3
Price: n/a
Effect: Restores 5 HP over time
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 9
Material 1: 白い花粉 White Pollen
Material 2: アロマ草 Aroma Grass

Name: 万能薬 Cure All
Price: n/a
Effect: Removes all abnormalities
Shop: n/a
Composition Rank: 8
Material 1: 大きい種 Large Root
Material 2: 霊芝 Spirit Grass


This completes the list of consumable items. Thank you for your support.


  1. Name: 女神のしずくII Goddes Drop 2

    you forgot the second s.

    btw, great job you´re doing here :-)

  2. Thank you for pointing that out. I have amended it. Thanks for the support! ^^

  3. no problem...
    to be honest, i don´t own the game right now... but reading the translation just makes the waiting even harder;-)

    are you going to do a weaponlist? i just want to know how many weapons from which type there are in the game...

    thank´s for the whole translation;-)

  4. That's fine. There is only 1 way to learn about the game so im glad this site is useful to you.

    Yes ill be putting a weapon and equipment list up shortly. ^^
