
White Knight Chronicles - G Rank 2 Quests

White Knight Chronicles - G Rank 2 Quests
Translation and walkthrough for G Rank 2 Missions.

Quest Name: 迷子を捜して-I Looking for the Lost Children 1
Cost: 280g
Area: ノルディア坑道 Nordia Mine Road
Recommended Level: Level 15+
To unlock: ラグニッシュ砂漠進入後 After approaching Ragnish desert
Time Limit: 1 hour
Quest condition
- Rescue the children who are lost in the Nordia Mine
Fail condition
- Time limit up
- Guest dies

- 1st Level D-2: Obtain the Key from the chest
- 1st Level E-3: Open the door with the key
- 1st Level E-4: Talk with シベロ Tsubero and 9 baby ice spiders will appear. Kill the baby ice spiders. You MUST protect the child.
- 1st Level C-4: Take the elevator down to level 2
- 2nd Level B-3: Take the elevator down to level 3
- 3rd Level A-4: Obtain the Key and take elevator back up to level 2
- 2nd Level B-5: Take the elevator down to level 3
- 3rd Level C-4: Take the elevator up to level 2
- 2nd Level C-3: Open the door with the key and take the elevator down to level 3
- 3rd Level D-2: Speak to ティアナ Ti'ana and 9 baby ice spiders appear. Kill them and protect both children. Head back to Level 1.
- 1st Level C-1: Talk with トニー Tony to complete the mission

Item Reward
- 糸玉 Tread Coin
- 蜘蛛の毒牙 Spider Fang
- 蜘蛛の鉄糸 Spider Thread
- 蜘蛛の体液 Spider Fluid
- 刃金の珠玉【九級】 Blade Gem (9th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【九級】 Protection Gem (9th Grade)

Quest Name: セルブスの伝説-I Legend of the plain looking woman
Cost: 280g
Area: ラグニッシュ砂漠 Ragnish Desert
Recommended Level: Level 15+
To unlock: ラグニッシュ砂漠進入後 After approaching Ragnish desert
Time Limit: 1 hour
Quest condition
- Retrieve the article for the client
Fail condition
- Time limit up
- Party dies during boss encounter

- Go to F-4: Speak with ナセル Nasser
- Go to H-5: Defeat the Golem around the Garuda Tree
- Go to H-5: Take the 熟した果実 ripe fruit from the tree
Note: Fruit drop is random. You may get a 熟した果実 ripe fruit or a 青い果実 blue fruit. You need to obtain a ripe fruit. If you couldnt get one then kill another golem and search the tree again (each time you kill a golem you can search the tree so dont kill them all first go).

- Go to G-1: Fight the Cerberus boss. When its HP drops it will run away
- Go to G-1: Place the 熟した果実 ripe fruit at the grave stone to summon the Cerberus. Kill it and obtain the 緋石のペンダント Blood Stone Pendant. If you placed the 青い果実 fruit, you will fight 9 Wild Boars.
- Go to F-4: Speak with ナセル Nasser to hand over the pendant.

Item Reward
- 巨獣の肉 Large Animal Meat
- ざらざらした毛皮 Rough Fur
- 土巨獣のたてがみ Large Earth Mane
- 刃金の珠玉【九級】 Blade Gem (9th Grade)
- 守護の珠玉【九級】 Protection Gem (9th Grade)

That is all for G Rank 2 missions. Thank you for your patience.

1 comment:

  1. The childern need to run... stupid spiders
